Jo Buekens

Jo Buekens D.O. MSc, has been working as an osteopath in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg since 1994. In 1996 he completed his basic half-time training (6 years) at Sutherland College (Antwerp, Belgium). In 1999 the Belgische Vereniging van Osteopathie awarded him after presentation of his thesis the degree of Diploma in Osteopathy.

In March 2014 he obtained the Master of Science (Osteopathy) at the Donau Universität Krems in collaboration with the

Wiener Schule für Osteopathie

(A). Jo is a lecturer at College Sutherland (B, D), Wiener Schule für Osteopathie (A), Still-Academie (D), Verband Osteopathen Deutschlands, Still-learning Osteo (PL), Japanese Traditional Osteopathic College, Kobe (JPN).

Besides his recent publication, Bone - The Best-Kept Secret (2020), he has published a book Osteopathische Diagnose und Behandlung (Hippokrates Verlag 2004) and has written several articles for specialist journals. He is co-founder of the Association Luxembourgeoise des Diplômés en Ostéopathie and was its secretary.